RE: MD Language in the MOQ

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Fri Nov 28 2003 - 15:43:19 GMT

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD Language in the MOQ"

    Hi David

    David said:
    Do we not say 'intellectual' when conflict emerges between society and
    the individual that goes beyond mere superficial/material/power
    individual gain within the society.

    As I understand it, "intellectual" is not to be equated with
    "individual," but your point about something "beyond...power [or]
    individual gain within the society" strikes a chord. I think power and
    individual gain is static social quality.

    David said:
    The intellectual is holding views, unacceptable to society generally,
    for their own sake and not for personal gain, or because of a desire to
    change the society hence in terms of dynamic change. Many myths explore
    the notion of the emergence of the individual/ego and the heroic
    conflict involved in this.

    I think the heroic conflict resulting in the emergence of an individual,
    as you describe, is a static vs.Dynamic conflict rather than a social
    vs. intellectual conflict. Intellectual patterns can be common or
    individual, just as social patterns are. I think a basic definition of
    social patterns is "relationships between humans," and it is these
    relationships which define one's social identity, including your
    individuality. Intellectual patterns are also part of one's identity and
    are less static, but they are not the whole thing.

    David said:
    A social system/culture has a static aspect, where the individual is
    involved in dynamic change/conflict or trying to make new possibilities
    possible we are talking about possible intellectual phenomena.

    Again, I don't equate "intellect" with "individual." I think you are
    describing a static-Dynamic process although it may result in the
    creation of new social and intellectual patterns.

    David said:
    All depends where you want to draw a line and call something

    Indeed, this is the trouble.

    David said:
    Takes a certain sort of intellect to improve the way you cut your flint
    axe. All DQ activity implies intellect, otherwise it is random/accident
    and has no quality.

    I don't agree that "all DQ activity implies intellect," it seems to me
    to be needlessly anthropomorphic to describe *all* activity in terms of
    the human capacity for abstract thought.

    I also think that describing evolution in terms of "betterness," as does
    the MOQ, makes the terms "random" and "accident" as inappropriate and
    misleading as the word "design."



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