Re: MD Intellect attacks free speech

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Sun Dec 14 2003 - 21:43:13 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD MoQ versions"

    Dear Ian,

    When quoting me 14 Dec 2003 10:31:38 -0000 as having written:
    'It is as pointless to call Europeans "more intellectual" than Americans (or
    vice versa) as it is pointless to call a baboon "more biological" than a
    rhino. Contrary to Pirsig in some of his writing I don't consider it useful
    either to ....'
    you leave out the essential previous sentence:
    'In MoQish terms you are both talking nonsense.'

    In hindsight (reading your interpretation of my statement as 'purely
    pragmatic') I realize that it might have been better if I had written
    'meaningless' instead of 'pointless'and 'meaningful' instead of 'useful',
    even though they are almost synonymous in a pragmatist, instrumentalist and
    radically empiricist philosophy (which at least Pirsig's version of the MoQ
    is according to 'Lila' in the of chapter 29).

    The points about not creating taboo's and the usefulness of generalized
    statements are taken. Can you proceed to answering my argument, that calling
    anything 'more intellectual' than something else is meaningless in a
    MoQ-based discussion and should be translated into discussing relative
    participation in intellectual patterns of value with higher/lower
    intellectual/Dynamic quality?

    With friendly greetings,


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