RE: MD Capture of a Tyrant

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Dec 14 2003 - 23:18:54 GMT

  • Next message: WILLIAM MCNULTY: "RE: MD Capture of a Tyrant"

    Platt, Jon and all MOQers:

    Platt said:
    We went there (Iraq) to root out and destroy terrorists--a biological blight

    on humanity. Yesterday, we captured one of the worst terrorists in history,
    right up there with Mao, Stalin and Hitler. The fight will continue as long
    as one terrorist remains. And rightly so.

    Jon said:
    Iraqi Freedom will go down in the history books as the most moral war in
    human history. ... A kind of universal joint has been shifted, creating one
    of those rare seismic jolts that history rarely notes more than once a
    century or even once a millennium. ... Never in their wildest dreams did the
    Founding Fathers, those men who liberated America from a Tyrant, imagine
    that one day the children of their Freedom, children of their struggle for
    Dynamic Quality, would cross a mighty ocean to free the people of Babylon
    from a Tyrant. I think they'd be proud. I know I am.

    dmb says:
    The apocalyptic grandiosity of your comments reveals an irrational and
    mythic view of things, gents. I'm amazed that anyone buys into Bush's
    religious "rid the world of evil" rhetoric, let alone grown men who are
    interesting in philosophy, the love of wisdom. The most painful thing about
    this attitude is that it plays into the hands of Al Qaeda. This is the
    approach that will turn the actions of a handfull of fanatics into World War
    Four, it changes a crime into a protracted war that has no limits in time or
    space. This attitude is self-defeating and only makes the world more
    dangerous, especially for Americans. I mean, ridding the world of evil is
    exactly what Bin Ladin thinks he's doing. Isn't this the kind of fanaticism
    we're supposed to be against? Don't you think the presence of American
    troops and tanks in one of the Arab world's major cities acts as a
    recruiting poster for the Bin Ladins of the world? The mythical and
    emotional appeal is understandable, but I am truly amazed that any serious
    person could fall for the ridiculous lies that we're being told.

    I don't expect to change the minds of anyone who believes in the purity and
    goodness of America as a matter of dogmatic conviction, but there is a very
    good article I wish every rational MOQer would read. Its an essay titled
    "AMERICAN APOCALYPSE" and is adapted from a book titled "SUPERPOWER
    SYNDROME: America's Apocclyptic Confrontation With the World" Check it


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