Re: MD Capture of a Tyrant

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Fri Dec 19 2003 - 19:45:55 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD MoQ versions"

    Dear Jon,

    You asked 15 Dec 2003 17:30:06 -0500:
    'Which country does the world NEED the most?'

    This question strikes me as comparable to a Tyrannosaurus Rex asking 'Which
    dino does the world need the most?' shortly before the famous meteorite
    struck the Yucatan peninsula and wiped them off the earth.
    They were superseded by (first) mice and (then) men, even though there are
    still crocodiles, birds and such that can count dino's among their ancestors
    which have a very useful role in ecosystems...

    I don't think the social pattern of value 'country' is in the forefront of
    social evolution any more. Its existence may even hamper further social
    evolution at times.
    In my 'economics of want and greed' (see I sketch a four
    stage evolutionary sequence in which countries belong to only the second

    With friendly greetings,


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