From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Jan 08 2004 - 17:01:21 GMT
Hi David M,
> Can you try to explain what you mean by objective as it
> is a word I generally avoid? Especially when the MOQ is
> meant to offer explanations in terms of SQ/DQ rather than
> subject-object? Or do you mean objective in a different sense?
I mean "objective" according to the dictionary definition: "Expressing or
dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by
personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations."
> I stick only to talking about values or according to
> experience, or current data, or IMO, or it hangs
> togther nicely, or has greater explanatory power,
> or seems to work, or seems to avoid falling into the trap of X,
> or avoids the contradictions of Y,..etc..
As I see it you stick to the value of objectivity as defined above, always
trying to keep your personal biases out of your assessments of reality.
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