Re: MD Project.

From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Fri Jan 09 2004 - 14:37:58 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD The MOQ: An expansion of rationality"

    Hi Mark,

    > Recent posts by Steve and Platt have encouraged me to try an idea out for
    > size.
    > The plan would be to begin collecting a list of Coherent SQ-SQ states.

    Have you switched from talking about DQ-SQ coherence to SQ-SQ? Is there a
    difference in the way you use these?

    Also, an example I thought of for your project may be humor or jokes,
    specifically the way that joke telling often involves using repetition to
    set up an expectation then breaking the static pattern with a punch line.
    The result is a dynamic-static sweet spot characterized by laughter.

    Is this what you mean?


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