Re: MD Rights

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sat Jan 10 2004 - 15:43:33 GMT

  • Next message: Steve Peterson: "Re: MD Rights"

    Hi Steve,

    > Platt said:
    > > I sincerely hope when you say that all dichotomies are false that you do
    > > not mean to include better/worse and life/death. Certain realities cannot
    > > be manipulated, pragmatically or otherwise.
    > I meant that all dichotomies are aesthetic creations of the intellect that
    > cannot hope to define undefined Quality or divide the undifferentiated
    > aesthetic continuum.

    All descriptions of reality, including 'undefined Quality' and the
    'undifferentiated aesthetic continuum,' are aesthetic creations of the
    intellect. Those concepts themselves imply a dichotomy because they can
    only be known by their opposites--immorality and difference. I don't see
    how you can think without dividing direct experience. We have to divide to
    survive, and for most people, there's more Quality to being alive than


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