RE: MD The MOQ: An expansion of rationality

From: Mati Palm-Leis (
Date: Tue Jan 13 2004 - 06:22:49 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD When is a metaphysics not a metaphysics?"

    Steve, Bo and folks,

    I have been quietly sitting on the sidelines, (I detest the term
    "lurker") watching Bo defend his SOLAQI idea over the past several weeks
    as he has done for so long. As I have mentioned in earlier postings I
    have grown to strongly support his ideas. Many of the criticisms people
    have shared, I believe Bo has done a wonderful job of supporting his
    rationalities. Many are the same criticisms I have posed to him over
    time as well. And I don't know what exactly I could share to advance
    the discussion. Like many I am a novice to the philosophical
    understandings as a whole. Pirsig provided an exposure of the SOM myth
    that has charaded as reality long enough. MOQ provided a new context and
    foothold to account for reality. Bo's ideas from beginning, personally
    seemed curious and awkward. But I believe he has been true to Pirsig's
    work as one can be. The fact is when reality has been defined all our
    lives by the SOM view, so to is how we approach reality is also
    dominated by SOM. Naturally our precepts of rationalization are coated
    with the same SOM view. When discussing the subjective realm of the
    social and intellectual level we are dealing with great subtleties. We
    would like in the objective sense to delineate with a specified
    rationalization to define the intellectual level. Bo's has actually
    given us what we have asked for. Yet for what ever reason we wish to cry
    "heretic". I guess it might be the SOM in all of us yet. :) However
    now in my mind life has a much clearer understanding of what the
    intellectual reality means. This I believe has some pretty significant
    applications once we begin to see his basic premise as it works in the
    real world. The subtleties we call the subjective reality have a much
    richer meaning. Pirsig, who I immensely respect, has given so much with
    MOQ to advance the understanding of life's meaning. Let us continue the
    advancement and not get bogged in the SOM precepts.

    As a final thought, think about this statement.

    "Be true to yourself."

    Those who have the capacity to understand what this statement means can,
    I believe, understand and perpetuate the intellectual level. (I think
    this also might apply to a historical context as well. :) )

    For what it is worth.


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