Re: MD SOLAQI confirmed.

From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Tue Jan 13 2004 - 15:09:44 GMT

  • Next message: Joe: "Re: MD: MOQ Where's the matter gone?"

    Hi Bo,

    > PIRSIG:
    >>> "[The MOQ] employs SOM reasoning the way SOM reasoning employs social
    >>> structures such as courts and journals and learned societies to
    >>> make itself known.
    > " ....the way SOM reasoning employs social strutures"!!!!! See,
    > he treats SOM as representative of the value that followed social
    > value and emplys its value (in the known way). Nothing about any
    > "intellect" that the SOM is a pattern of. If intellectual value were
    > something else than SOM he would have spoken of this as
    > "employing social structures", but no, he goes straight to SOM.
    > This is most telling, where does my reasoning go wrong?

    > PIRSIG:
    >>> SOM reasoning is not subordinate to these social
    >>> structures,
    > That SOM isn't subordinate to society goes without
    > saying, but here it is again: He treats SOM as representing the
    > intellectual level
    >...See, he uses SOM and intellect as if
    > they are identical.

    You start with the assumption that when Pirsig says intellect, he really
    means SOM and vice versa, from which you conclude that intellect=SOM which
    is what you assumed from the start.

    However, if you start with the assumption that some but not all intellectual
    patterns contain subjective/objective knowledge distinctions you will find
    that his words are consistent with the MOQ being an intellectual pattern of

    Pirsig in his recent letter to Paul: "The idea that the MOQ is not an
    intellectual formulation but some kind of other level is not clear to me.
    There is nothing in the MOQ that I know of that leads to this conclusion."

    SOLAQI denied.


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