Re: MD On the Matter of Creativity

From: Scott R (
Date: Thu Jan 15 2004 - 01:54:49 GMT

  • Next message: "MD Flying Pigs confirmed."


    I haven't read it in a long time, but Arthur Koestler's "Act of Creation"
    might be of interest (or is it "Acts of Creation", I forget).

    - Scott

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Chris Trask" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 7:39 PM
    Subject: MD On the Matter of Creativity

    > I'm new to this list, so I should appologize in case the question I'm
    > about to ask has come up recently.
    > I'm in the midst of reading ZAMM, and I recently read the passage in
    > which Poincaré's "subliminal self" was discussed, my curiosity of which is
    > how I found this list. I have been very interested in the nature of
    > creativity, and until reading this the only literature that I have found
    > the subject worth reading has been "Creativity and Taoism" by Chang
    > Chung-yuan. I am now going to add "The Foundations of Science" to that
    > meager portion of the shelf.
    > Interestingly, Poincaré's conclusions closely resemble the Taoist idea
    > of "interfusion", where numerous ideas or pieces of knowledge come
    > in a conscious/unconscious "moment of inspiration" (Taoist) or "point of
    > departure" (Poincaré). From these two diverse writings, neither of which
    > draws upon the other, it would seem that the philosophical concept of the
    > nature of creativity is somewhat universal.
    > But it's difficult to fully support that conclusion on these two
    > writings alone. There must be more literature on the subject than just
    > these two volumes, and I would like to ask if anyone on this list could
    > suggest some further literature on the subject of the nature of
    > Chris
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