Re: MD SOLAQI as pile of garbage?

Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 17:32:01 GMT

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    You have the gift of creative mocking, it continues to flow,

    Perhap it is a mirror into you soul.

    Mark 28-01-04: 'You have the gift of creative mocking' - So did the Buddha.
    The Buddha's teaching was intended to show that believing one had a soul was
    the root of all suffering. In a process metaphysics like the MoQ, (and the
    Buddha's teaching), there is no soul or static entity which the term, 'I' reefers
    The MoQ describes patterns of value in an evolving relationship with DQ.
    Creativity may be stated to be a relationship between the totality of a static
    repertoire and DQ. That is a coherent explanation based on MoQ texts, and is
    described well by yourself as a, flow' of creativity. This is a real gift of
    If you feel you have been given a gift of understanding, please shine your
    understanding light and illuminate experiences you have had to help teach us
    something? Anything? Apply your understanding and explain something? Anything?
    Please? I have been asking, 'The supreme being' who you feel gave you your gift
    to do the same for years, and without a single answer.


    You courted me once and I did resist

    I prefer intelligence with a SOLAQI twist.

    Mark 28-01-04: Your preferences are patterns of value. Value comes before a
    conceptual repertoire. SoM is one pattern among a number of patterns - it has
    been created by a Dynamic process and is part of a static conceptual
    repertoire. Therefore, your static preferences cannot be that which created them.
    The MoQ explains Intellect as a repertoire of static patterns of value in an
    evolving relationship with DQ. Therefore, we have two static descriptions of
    the intellect - One is the totality of our static repertoire (which cannot be
    listed or viewed in one instant as it is too sophisticated) and the other is
    the total repertoire in a relationship with DQ, (which points to a process and
    therefore also cannot be captured in any static description).
    When you say you prefer a description of the intellect, the description you
    prefer is a completely static one bounded by a severe conceptual wall. When i
    say i prefer a description of the intellect, my description cannot be defined
    or bounded other than indicating or pointing to DQ. In other words, you have no
    vocabulary for showing that intellect is a staggeringly creative, Dynamic,
    beautiful and ethical process. I, on the other hand, may indicate concrete
    day-to-day examples of experiences people may discover for themselves and explain
    how the MoQ can help them examine their experiences within a value centred
    world view.


    Perhaps it is your jealousy, for noted mention,

    Or perhaps it is just SQ-SQ tension.


    Mark 28-01-04: As a teacher Mati, i should like to think you wish to inspire
    your pupils with wonder and delight in the beauty and joy of discovery. I know
    if my children were under your care and tutelage, i should wish for you to do
    this with them - I should wish for this to be the aim of education for all
    However, with poetry like yours as an example, i would rather teach my kids
    at home, where i know they will be safe from low Quality influences.

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