From: Matt poot (
Date: Tue Feb 03 2004 - 00:15:37 GMT
> Personally, I find it difficult to have your cake and eat it too. I
>with what you stated and I ask, "Can you successfully strive in both
>worlds?". Because (again, I don't know) if you live too much in one then
>you lose in
>the other. Yet trying to find a happy-medium is irrelevant because STILL
>world will infect the other.
> Your thoughts?
The question is, have we experienced a balance between both physical and
mental>? not that I say we all go back to being farmers/hunter-gatherers.
I will again use a quote, because it expresses what I feel, written much
better than I could write it at this point. This quote is in two parts, and
is from an argument. both parts are of the same view(which I share).
they may seem idealistic, but what the hell.
Lang- "As I see it, men are born with an impulse to be active and to do
various specific things. In Islandia, that impulse or vitality has outlets
which are natural to man, taking into account the fact that he is a
muscular, two-legged animal, as well as a creature with a highly developed
brain. The life here **now*poot* makes such demands that men to exist, are
compelled to expend their vitality in unnatural ways. As a result in
Islandia, men are more even, all-round beings who feel and enjoy things with
a greater keenness-"
Philip "Hedonist!"
"All right , Phillip, I will accept your term of abuse and confut you with
it. Pleasure is the greatest good! But pleasure means one thing to an
Islandian and another to you. Pleasure means to you, pleasure of the senses
either directly or vicariously through emotions in the mind. And here
everyione has such a devil of a time surviving, and so many unpleasant
things to do in order to live and survive, that they exalt the unpleasant
things and decry the pleasant ones. Pleasure means to you something
sinful, wrong, self-indulgent. If so, of coursepleasure isn't the greatest
But Islandia isn't for everyone. There are some who have so perverted
themselves that the unpleasant things are pleasure to them- the reformers,
those who wish to organize others' lives. But the perfectly normal man with
normal desires, a MIND, and muscular strength, is not so perverted. All I
say is that the Islandian way gives him a better chance to have what he
wants than this country."
Now, I think that the main effector in having a place like this, would not
only be pleasure, but a subconcious aim towards quality. Philosophy is
still important, and work is not life.
What do you think?
Matthew Poot
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