MD Re: Do we all need philosophy?

From: Matt poot (
Date: Mon Feb 02 2004 - 06:21:27 GMT

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD Objectivity, Truth and the MOQ"

    to continue my subject of post, in a completely different part. I missed
    this previous post, which is why im replying now (I apologize).


    Hard to get philosophically sophisticated without reading philosophy.
    And what is read in schools is a public not private matter.
    Do you advocate philosophy in schools or not?
    I take 'as many types of books' as implying yes.
    I would prefer that we were more ambitious in schools
    and did more hard books and also science and the philosophy of science.


    -=*PO0T*=- DId you recently come from the schooling 'system' Dave? Having
    recently graduated from highschool a year ago, after 14 years in public
    education system(i did go to catholic school up until gr.2), I could not
    agree with you more wholly.
    I will explain with my own experiences:

    (from ontario). I have found that I was not challenged nearly enough. In
    the first 6 grades, what do they teach here? long division and
    multiplication tables? basic geography? some SUPER basic french? Not to
    rush childhood, but this is a point in life where the human brain can absorb
    incredible amounts of knowledge, and really mentally develop themselves,
    building a foundation. My belief is that these years of just cruising
    through school with straight a+ grades. Grades dont even matter.....I just
    knew so much more than they were teaching me. And what do they do with the
    fountain of attention kids can give when their interested ? Well, they
    decided to ....well, I dont know what they decided to do, but it sure as
    hell didn't benefit me.

    Then, after thoroughly boring me to death with the same, mundane FACTS, year
    after year , after year, what is left? I skipped a lot (i mean alot[as Im
    sure many of you can understand]) of my final 2 years of highschool, because
    , well what they teach, and the way they teach it is just one thing, and one
    thing only (no duality here) ----stupid!

    When I look at the life of persons such as Pirsig, and even some of those
    else I encounter personally, it leaves me leaves me
    feeling sort of inferior(the word[as usual] isnt exactly what I mean). Not
    just the fact that he was in university when 14, but just the richness of
    experience. And what scares me, is in comparison to him, I have lived a
    life less rich of experience, and I have a lot more compared with those my
    age around me.

    Anyways, I should stop rambling

    Poot, Sincerely

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