Re: MD Re: Md Awareness as Quality

From: David MOREY (
Date: Tue Feb 03 2004 - 18:40:39 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD Awareness and Quality"


    I would suggest that SOM basis of thinking
    allows for the sort of instrumentalist thinking
    that makes for legitimising the fullest
    exploitation of nature, of course,
    the present course makes it look like we
    are heading for disaster. SOM dualism seems
    to effect all aspects of our lives, there is massive
    alienation and reification so that it seems that the
    things we want, basic materially provisions, in terms of freedom and
    democracy, enjoyable working life, better cities, less crime, more
    family/disposable time, etc,
    are somehow unobtainable. Why, I wonder, do the politicians never discuss
    what our social goals really are, they only seem to discuss market
    competition and economic conditions. Now, why could that be?

    David M
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Matt poot" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 4:15 AM
    Subject: MD Re: Md Awareness as Quality

    > Hello David,
    > ttp://
    > This was a very interesting transcript. It certainly makes sense. This
    > 'theory' explains things much better than saying pattern. Even though
    > patterns exist within it, they are not quite the same as patterns on their
    > own. They are much more affected by they're relation to other patterns
    > around them. The word "Pattern" to me, implys something static. I would
    > prefer using the concept of dynamic pattern as opposed to plain 'pattern'
    > I do have some questions in relation to this transcript..
    > MISHLOVE - In other words, there is now a morphic resonance or morphic
    > for bicycle making and bicycle riding, and it must embrace the whole
    > in a way that didn't exist at one time.
    > -=*POOT*=- supposing that the invention of certain things (either S/O),
    > be used or manipulated, to influence ideas upon great masses of people? To
    > effectively change their mental habits, instead of physical habits like
    > bicycle riding.
    > SHELDRAKE..... But nevertheless, the rest of nature was seen as completely
    > inanimate, devoid of psyche or mind. Whereas what I would say is that we
    > have much more in common with the rest of nature, because the rest of
    > is alive, as we are.
    > =*POOT*=-I think this is a very important part of the 'current' mythos ,
    > this superiority complex, almost socially habitual in humans at this
    > It gives us a lack of understanding or awareness of our
    > environment(earth[even universe] as a whole).
    > What do you think about that?
    > Matt Poot
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