Re: MD Social level is dependent on the individual

From: Matt poot (
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 23:56:13 GMT

  • Next message: Matt poot: "Re: MD Sensory Deprived theory"

    trade can take barter form

    - David M.

    This is one idea I had, when I was writing a paper for my final philosophy
    project of Gr.12, on "The Ideal State". I was thinking of some way to try
    and eliminate money, and to use trade instead. Even trade of raw materials
    such as gold have a difference over money, because they have a much more
    stable value. Todays world has gone completely insane. People can lose all
    they have, in the blink of an eye, at no fault of their own (stock market).
    All of these systems, where there is actually little service being provided,
    but huge amounts of currency involved. __This __ is where the rich get
    richer, and businessmen (not all businessmen of course, only the ....) gain
    power over the rest of the populace.

    Platt said: Recently I spent some time in the hospital and was flabbergasted
    by the amount of sheer paper work required to get me in and out the door--

    -=*Poot*=-I often wonder about the actual function of documentation. Beyond
    a certain point, which we have definitely passed (exponentially), paperwork
    only creates more paperwork, upon paperwork, etc.

    In terms of the social structure, I think that one problem in human history
    has been the idea of 'revolution'. I have recently come to believe, that
    'revolutions' only attain short term goals, and changes in
    government/governing style. To achieve something permanent, I think it has
    to be at a step-by-step process, not only by the government, but by each
    person on their own. When reading one of Aldous Huxley's essays on
    constructive pacifism, he basically said that pacifism is a way of life, not
    just a set of principles. I believe this applies everywhere outside of
    pacifism (religion for me especially).

    I would love nothing more than to see a land without paperwork, and money,
    where the social "structure"(?) would be more important than the economic.
    In fact I (and I'm sure we all have at some point) sometimes think about
    what I would do with the money of Bill Gates. to tell you , for interests
    sake, I would buy an area of land, preferably an reasonable sized Island in
    a fairly temperate zone, suitable for agriculture, and ........well, I'm
    getting off topic, so I'll stop.

    Matt Poot

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