From: Platt Holden (
Date: Fri Feb 20 2004 - 12:49:58 GMT
Hi Steve,
> Poot:
> > > Well, before I start, in your 'opinion' which is the best religion??
> > > Which represents the epitomy of human civilisation>? I'm sure you know
> > > the answer....why don't you 'enlighten' us?
> Platt:
> > What makes you think I know which is the best religion? How would the
> > best religion be determined? What criteria would you use?
> Steve:
> Isn't this the sort of ranking you want to apply to music? Is there a
> reason why it would not work for religion while it does work in the cases
> of music, art, scientists, etc? How is religion different?
Over the centuries religion shows little in the way of human
accomplishment. If anything, it has been used to justify low moral
biological level behavior by inspiring the slaughter of millions.
> Poot:
> > > I said : Yes. I consider peoples fanatical beliefs in the dogmatic
> > > traditions of religion, be it christianity, islam, or what not to be
> > > silly.
> > > I
> > > consider concepts such as 'creationism' to be idiotic.
> > >
> > > [Platt] said : I'm surprised that you support the narrow-minded
> > > intolerance shown by DMB
> > > towards religious beliefs.
> >
> > > I say: Well... For one, I am not being intolerant. There is a reason
> > > I added fanatic and dogmatic to the equation. I did not say, nor
> > > insinuate that all practicing, or non-practicing christians/catholics
> > > are stupid idiots. It is important to understand that when you take
> > > religion, and add fanaticism .... it effectively becomes a farce of the
> > > original meaning. I also did not say that if you believe in a
> > > religion, I think you are a fool.
> > > Far from it.
> Platt:
> > But you did say that if one believes in creationism, a religious belief,
> > that he is an idiot. Hardly an expression of tolerance and inclusiveness.
> >
> Steve:
> I can't tell if you're playing devil's advocate or what. Your project has
> always been to say that some things are better than others. Aren't some
> beliefs better than others?
Sure. But that doesn't give you the right to verbally abuse others who
hold different beliefs. Where is the hallowed "sensitivity" we hear so
much about that supposedly occupies the moral high ground?
> Poot:
> > > I say: Now, if you read this, with your eyes wide open, then it is easy
> > > to see that I do not reject religions for what they are, and thus , you
> > > can also assume that I do not reject the views of people who believe
> > > in religion themselves.
> >
> > It seems you reject the religious view of creationism. In fact, you seem
> > to be dogmatic about it by calling creationism "silly" and "idiotic."
> > What's the difference between your dogmatism and fanaticism concerning
> > this aspect of religious belief and the dogmatism/fanaticism those who
> > believe?
> >
> > To label Christians as "idiots" because they doubt the Darwin story of
> > evolution appears to me to demonize a large segment of the population.
> > I'm surprised by your insensitivity. I'm sure you wouldn't like to have
> > your concepts called "idiotic."
> Steve:
> Platt, do you ascribe to a particluar set of religious beliefs?
> What makes a belief "religious"?
Belief based on religious doctrine.
> Do you believe in Biblical creation?
No. But I don't believe that life suddenly appeared by chance in pond scum
either. That Jesus rose from the dead is more believable.
What are your religious beliefs, if any? Does the "oops" theory of
creation make sense to you? Or do think something else is going on? Like
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