Re: MD Objectivity, Truth and the MOQ

From: Joe (
Date: Fri Feb 20 2004 - 17:09:33 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD MOQ and Islam"

    On 13 Feb 1:08 PM David M writes to Paul:
    ----- Original Message ----- > Experience=existence=what is real
    > Therefore there is no appearance/reality distinction
    On 17 Feb 2004 4:33 AM Khalil writes:
    "In my opinion, although I fall way short of being anything of a scholar on
    these matters, Sufism, the mystical element of Islam has much in common with
    On 17 Feb 2004 5:44 AM Khoo writes:
    "Sufism on the other hand represents the experiential side of Islam, the
    non-rational, non-logical path that correlates with the Zen approach."
    On 17 Feb 2004 6:11 AM SWZwick writes:
    "Regarding Sufism, Islam, and the MOQ, I'd say that Sufism (or Alevism,
    which is the brand of Islam practiced in Turkey) is definitely a mystic
    tradition and the Alevis I know do in fact place intellectual values above
    societal values, and mystic values above intellectual values."

    Hi David, Khallil, Khoo, SWZwick, and all,

    joe: i accept that Buddha, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, etc., carry messages to
    me. I accept that sectarian writing and the interpretation of these
    messages have led to many wars and my confusion.

    What does mystic mean? I look at the English word 'mystic'. Funk and
    Wagnall's dictionary says 'mystic' comes from the Greek word 'mystes' which
    means 'an initiate'. In America I look to Sport, and and the Arts for the
    meaning of 'initiate'. I see people who train themselves to a higher
    skilled performance than I am able to achieve. I imagine I am pretty good.
    Skill and practice lead to a 'mystical' performance, 'the sweet spot', and I
    can learn.

    David M writes: "Experience=existence=what is real."

    joe: Existence is a moral order. IMO in some way the above messengers help
    me to see my confused existence. From them I see a moral order of
    existence. Why am I confused? Am I a bad design? A mystic says I don't
    practice enough. My education and my ordinary existence urge me to obtain
    more. The messengers help me understand 'more', as does the MOQ.

    IMO experience=existence=purpose=quality=what is real. Sectarians try to
    help me understand what the messengers say. I do not want to be a


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