RE: MD The Dynamic/Static resolution.

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 21:01:45 GMT

  • Next message: Joe: "Re: MD The Dynamic/Static resolution."

    Bo and all:

    Bo said:
    "the point is that religious thinking isn't intellectual value" and
    "It's no use going on about "their intellectual patterns" when the
    thinking so obviously was religious."

    dmb replies:
    The idea that religion is strictly social is directly contradicted by Pirsig
    in the following quotes, where it is described variously as social,
    intellectual and mystical, depending on what kind of religion we're talking

    (from Ant's Textbook)
    "'God', to most people, is a set of static intellectual and social patterns.
    Only true religious mystics can correctly equate God with Dynamic Quality.
    The others who go around saying 'God wants this,' or 'God will answer
    your prayers,' are, according to the Metaphysics of Quality, engaging in
    a minor form of evil. Such statements are a lower form of evolution,
    intellectual patterns, attempting to contain a higher one." [Pirsig, 1994]

    "The idea that God can hear one's prayers can be meaningful only if one
    assumes that God is a social and intellectual entity. ...Read any book of
    the Bible and count the number of lines classifiable as mystic, the number
    classifiable as intellectual, and the number classifiable as social. Then
    read the Tao Te Ching or the Buddhist sutras or the Bhagavad Gita and do the
    same. Compare the results and I think you will come to the conclusion that
    Christianity is dominantly social and intellectual whereas these Eastern
    religions are dominantly mystic." [Pirsig, 2000]

    dmb continues:
    It seems you've been brushing off and ignoring some pretty convincing
    arguments from Paul and myself, Bo. I'm starting to wonder why you remain
    unmoved. Surely you can now see that SOLAQI is at odds with the MOQ in
    several significant ways, no?


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