Re: MD MOQ and Islam

Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 09:53:35 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD (no subject)"

    Khalil writes:

    > For Islam this guidance comes from the Qur'an, unique amongst all the
    > scriptures of the world in that it has remained completely unchanged in the 1400
    > years since it was revealed. This is static quality of the highest quality
    > and the ultimate static latch to use MOQ terminology. This is not to negate
    > other revealed scriptures but only to say that others have become corrupted or
    > distorted over time. To use the analogy of a map. a map that has been
    > altered or has bits missing can be misleading although it still provides valuable
    > information and guidance.

    I'm not sure the Qur'an has been uncorrupted. Several scholars (most vocally
    Ibn Warraq of the Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society, ISIS)
    claim that Qur'anic Arabic hadn't evolved at the time Muhammad was alive.
    Whether or not this is true, I cannot say - but it's clear that the type of
    evidence-based historic analysis that has been applied to other religious texts has
    not been applied to the Qur'an.

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