Re: MD (no subject)

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 13:29:14 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD (no subject)"

    > But what if "trash can music" effects a person unlike any Mozart music
    > ever
    > would? Does that make this person "less"?
    > not at all, if you would like my opinion. it was said that everyone has a
    > different store of analogues and therefore experiences quality differently.
    > besides, who's to say "trascan music" doesn't have more "quality" than
    > Mozart?

    Who's to say anything is better than anything else?

     i'd say it's certainly much more original.

    Originality means quality? Framing a piece of shit and hanging it on your
    wall will certainly be "original."

     take john cage, for
    > example.

    Never heard of him. Who is John Cage and why should I care?

     but i think this kind of goes to back the discussion about "which
    > religion is the best", about which my input was that we needn't rank
    > everything. music, and art in general, may be one of those things. whose to
    > say if Bach is better than Cage? what's the criteria?
    Who's to say anything is better than anything else?


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