Re: MD (no subject)

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Feb 26 2004 - 13:28:42 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD (no subject)"

    > not very art savvy, are we Platt? John Cage was the guy who said there is
    > music everywhere, that we can look for it in nature rather than ourselves.
    > he said, in regards to his piece 4'33", "i have nothing to say, and i am
    > saying it".

    Being "art savvy" presumes Cage is an artist which is debatable..

    > some people, like myself, consider him a
    > genius in the same caliber as Bach.

    Who besides yourself considers Cage equal to Bach?

    > and as for the piece of shit on the
    > wall, have you ever heard of Dechampes?

    You mean Marcel Duchamp, the guy who painted a mustache on the Mona Lisa
    and called it art? No one can say of a painting by Vermeer or Homer that a
    child could do it.



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