From: David MOREY (
Date: Tue Mar 02 2004 - 18:48:16 GMT
My hope is that we can improve our
shallow concept of individualism and get
back to something like the scope and ambition
of renaissance man. I would suggest we can replace
money and exchange by giving away the products of
our labour and giving up ownership. Just imagine how
much less we would then need and have to do much less tedious
work. Imagine no copyright, so that people only produced
art, music.etc for love and not money. Sure there is basic
work for basic needs, let's say 5 hours a week these days at most,
then work should be a matter of free choice. Somehow we are dividing
things so that we have to work 50 hours to keep up with our addictive
low quality life styles.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthew Poot" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: MD Quality and In-e-quality
> Hello Dm,
> You say we have to get rid of money. In a 'project' I worked on for my
> philosophy course, I chose the topic "The Ideal State" and discussed
> political, philosophical, economical, and theological ideas surrounding
> that.
> One such idea was to get rid of money. But , I ran into a few problems.
> I think that, in the end, the trade/barter system will be the main
> Yet, even still there are problems with that. How can you prevent people
> from being swindled? How can you promote fair trade?
> The problem with money, mainly, is that it becomes the determining factor
> for almost everything in life today, as opposed to Quality being the
> determiner (word?)
> One of the interesting jobs that I 'do' right now, part-time, is working
> a factory that produces large 'chocolate' eggs for easter, in an assembly
> line fashion (thank you Mr. Ford~!). This is _the_ most mind numbing
> I have ever partaken in, and it helps me achieve a more well rounded view
> the current make up of our industrial society. Each egg gets a "surprise"
> in it. Most of the time, it is just 2 shitty erasers. With that comes
> egg. How much is paid for something that costs about.....25 cents to
> (including equipment, etc)?? its about 10 dollars in the end. and the
> profit ratio goes up as you make larger eggs....
> Mass , IMO, is one of the key promoters and sustainers of 'money' as we
> know it. Mass Production, Mass Media, Mass-murder.....the list goes on.
> my job working in the largest kitchen in Canada, (Royal York Hotel),
> everything is produced in quantity (excluding fine dining).
> I think , therefor, that we can all agree to : Quantity < Quality
> Well, there has to be a change in attitudes on everyones part. A
> SoM, you could say.
> Time is short
> Poot
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