Re: MD quality religion

From: Leland Jory (
Date: Fri Mar 12 2004 - 14:26:47 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD Beyond"

    On Mar 12, 2004, at 4:17, Sam Norton wrote:

    > In our context, the forum is geared around metaphysics (ie the MoQ),
    > and it is a very real question about whether metaphysics *counts* as a
    > religion or not - or even whether 'religion' is a viable concept etc.

    First, I think we're confusing "religion" with "theology". Religion
    seems to me to be the practical, social application of belief while
    theology is the act of intellectualizing about that belief system.

    By that token, you can be a theologist without ever attending a church.

    Given those definitions, metaphysics cannot be a 'religion' because
    metaphysics is not a social activity (just look at the social life of
    your average metaphysician... but I digress). If anything you might be
    able to call metaphysics a theology, but even still it seems to be
    outside of theology as well. Metatheology, maybe?

    > Now, I'd rather get on with the conversation than have yet another
    > exhausting
    > digression with people about what counts as a religion or mysticism or
    > not, but I still think we need _some_ sort of container in which to
    > hold the debate, and I think the SQ/DQ language is the most
    > appropriate.

    It is certainly a better foundation on which to compare theologies than
    a SOM platform is. Just my $0.02CDN.

    Leland Jory :^{)>
    Cafeteria Spiritualist and Philosopher
    "It is a puzzling thing. The truth knocks on the door and you say, 'Go 
    away, I'm looking for the truth.' and so it goes away. Puzzling." - 
    Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
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