Re: MD The Individual Level

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Sat Apr 17 2004 - 18:00:01 BST

  • Next message: Dan Glover: "Re: Re: MD The Individual Level"

    Hi Mark,

    > Mark 17-4-04: The Metaphysics of Quality is an Intellectual pattern of Value.
    > Christianity is not an intellectual pattern of value - Christianity is a
    > combination of Social and Intellectual patterns. In so far as Christianity is, in
    > part, composed of Intellectual patterns, the MoQ is superior.

    That argument doesn't appear to follow. The less comprehensive is superior to the more
    comprehensive? Why?

    > Aristotelian Metaphysics is an intellectual pattern of Values. The
    > Integration of Intellectual patterns into a religion such as Christianity and Islam is
    > that way in which Christianity and Islam evolve; they must evolve by
    > accommodating new Intellectual patterns or die.
    > But it is the Intellectual patterns which are leading this evolutionary
    > process.
    > Your attempt to Integrate the MoQ is the latest in a long line of religious
    > attempts to stay alive; to stay alive by evolving into something new.
    > It seems to me that you are failing - slowly, and by degrees, religions are
    > changing to the point where they become so different from what they were as to
    > become irrelevant, atrophied and static.

    Putting aside the derogatory tone, there's nothing here I disagree with - it flows from what I have
    said about the social level being the realm of language and mythology. Where I think you need to
    examine your presuppositions concerns the possibility of an intellectual pattern of value being
    independent of mythology and language - it can't be done. So: what is your mythology?

    > Mark 17-4-04: The Metaphysics of Quality is an Intellectual pattern of Value.
    > That it is valued high enough for it to be regarded as meat for assimilation
    > into the body of Christianity is really a value of it as a threat to
    > Christianity itself. Christianity has become one of many front lines of battle between
    > social and Intellectual values, as each level tries to simultaneously respond
    > to DQ.
    > The MoQ is superior to religion as it explains more in terms of empirical
    > experience.

    That presupposes explanation as the highest good. I think there's more to life.

    > Mark 17-4-04: The Metaphysics of Quality is an Intellectual pattern of Value.
    > Human Life has Intellectual, Social, Biological and Inorganic components. The
    > MoQ explains how these for components interact. Christianity has become one
    > of many front lines of battle between social and Intellectual values, as each
    > level tries to simultaneously respond to DQ.
    > To say Metaphysics only applies to one area of life is like saying Gravity
    > only applies to one area of life. Life is lived in a Gravitational field
    > (Inorganic pattern of value) on Earth - it is ignored but a crucial part of living.
    > Metaphysics is a crucial part of living for many people who value Intellectual
    > patterns. Intellectual life for these people strives for the best and most
    > valued intellectual patterns, and that pattern is, for me, the Metaphysics of
    > Quality.
    > The MoQ is superior to religion as it explains more in terms of empirical
    > experience.

    The more that time goes on, the more I think that the MoQ - especially as it seems to function in
    this forum - is a social level pattern of value. Indeed, anything that is expressed in language is a
    social pattern of value (for language is social level). The question is what dimension of quality is
    dominating that social pattern. (In the same way that running is a biological activity, but running
    in the 100m in the Olympics is at least in part a social activity).

    In other words, I don't see a hard and fast distinction between a religious mythos and a
    metaphysics, especially Pirsig's. They each resolve down to stories - which Pirsig foregrounds by
    his own work.


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