Re: MD Religion of the future.

From: InfoPro Consulting: Mark Heyman (
Date: Tue May 04 2004 - 17:37:29 BST

  • Next message: InfoPro Consulting: Mark Heyman: "Re: MD Religion of the future."

    Hi Platt,

    I was hoping to get some feedback on the idea that, of all possible belief systems, those that
    begin in experience and are developed logically, maintaining a rational coherence throughout,
    will result in the highest quality.

    It wasn't my intention to evoke another mindless diatribe against one of the
    great thinkers of the 20th century. Certainly you can agree or disagree with Chomksy, but to
    attack him ad hominem, and dismiss him as if he were some school child who hadn't done his
    homework makes you look ridiculous. Too bad.

    What's ironic about your attack is that Chomsky certainly agrees that all belief systems are
    necessarily based on uncertain premises. Below is his recent response to a statement that
    science had proved the impossibility of resurrection:

    I'd suggest keeping away from the word "prove" with
    reference to science.   Technically, proofs exist in
    mathematics, and even there, premises are often
    (necessarily) uncertain.  In the empirical sciences there
    are arguments with varying degrees of plausibility, in some
    cases extremely high.  But "proof" is too strong.

    Within the framework of our scientific knowledge,
    resurrection is next to impossible.  But those who believe
    in resurrection wouldn't contest that.  Their point is that
    science provides only limited understanding of reality, and
    there's no way to argue against that conviction.

    My own feeling is that it's not wise to hold irrational
    beliefs.  We all do so, necessarily, but we should always
    be willing to face challenges to them and revise them if we
    cannot meet those challenges.  Religious beliefs don't have
    that property: they are held whatever the facts.  That's
    not unique to religion.  Unfortunately, it's a large
    component of the intellectual culture, at the "highest
    level" -- what Hans Morgenthau, the founder of realist
    international relations theory, called "our conformist
    subservience to those in power." It's enough to read the
    morning's newspaper or intellectual journals to find plenty
    of examples, which in my opinion at least, are far more
    dangerous than belief in resurrection.
    **** END CHOMSKY


    On 4 May 2004 at 10:28, Platt Holden wrote:

    > Hi Mark Heyman,
    > > Is there a way to approach DQ without religion?
    > You bet. Religion not required to experience DQ.
    > > I'm enjoying this thread,
    > > and am very familiar with ZMM and Lila, and neither of those books in any
    > > fashion endorses anything approximating religion, as far as I can tell.
    > You're right. The MOQ doesn't endorse any religion.
    > > Noam Chomsky has said that he thinks it's dangerous to let one's life be
    > > motivated by non-rational belief systems, and provides plenty of historical
    > > evidence in support. Just wondrin' what y'all think...
    > As usual, Chomsky doesn't know what he is talking about. Every belief
    > system contains an initial premise the system cannot verify or explain and
    > must be accepted on faith. Rational beliefs systems are no exception.
    > Chomsky needs to check Godel's Theorem. Furthermore, the rational
    > cause/effect system breaks down completely at the quantum level, not to
    > mention it's inability to answer, "What caused the Big Bang?" Chomsky and
    > all of his ilk would do well to read and ponder ZMM and Lila, especially
    > the latter which describes how intellectuals with their worship of
    > scientific rationalism have made a holy mess of things.
    > Platt
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