Re: MD Patterns

From: Matthew Poot (
Date: Fri May 07 2004 - 05:39:42 BST

  • Next message: Matthew Poot: "Re: MD Faith and rationality"


    DMB: Here is another idea along the same lines. Ideas are probably more
    accurately described as sets of statiK intellectual patterns, but for the
    sake of simplicity let's say an idea like gravity is a single pattern. And
    think of that single pattern in terms of Steve's river analogy. Although the
    idea may be expressed many ways and in many languages, whatever variations
    on the form there may be, there is an essential idea under all those various
    expressions. There is something recognizable about an idea even when we hear
    it from two distinctly different voices and in different terms. By way of
    intellectual history and other disciplines we can even see ideas evolve or
    go extinct. It takes actual people in the process of course, but ideas at
    least SEEM as real as any other living thing in the way they hold together
    and even grow.

    Poot: I think that this is an excellent portrayal , of how something
    statik(ideas, in this case) like a pattern, is affected by Dynamic Quality
    (modulation of ideas). I remember the concept of 'a priori' knowledge, and I
    do think that this is important in the communication of ideas (mOq).

    What do you say? aye, or nay?

    Poo T

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