Re: MD "biological" crime

From: Alicia Dvorak (
Date: Mon May 17 2004 - 16:50:30 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD quality religion (Christianity)"

    On May 17, 2004, at 3:31 AM, Charles Vanderford wrote:
    > I originally asked if homosexuality was "normal" according to the
    > MoQ, but a person pointed out that in terms of value, "normal" doesn't
    > make much sense. "Moral" does. But then it ran even deeper than
    > homosexuality! It delved into the nature of the biological level
    > itself. So the question was reframed then and is being re-asked now,

    ALD: i agree, the very nature of the biological level needs to be
    examined. we were discussing where the distinction between a
    biological and social interest is, and homosexuality raises the same
    types of questions. i have to go right now, but i'll think about this
    all some more and write back when i have time.

    - ALICIA

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