Re: MD "biological" crime

From: David Morey (
Date: Tue May 25 2004 - 17:47:52 BST

  • Next message: Joe: "Re: MD lure of Dynamic Quality"

    MSH: Nevertheless, if you are really interested, I believe I can sketch
    some of the characteristics of a more moral socio-economic system
    than what we have now.

    DM: Please do some time, I'd be interested.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Mark Steven Heyman" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 10:09 PM
    Subject: RE: MD "biological" crime

    > Hi Platt, and all,
    > Platt, at least we're not repeating ourselves. Thanks.
    > On 24 May 2004 at 15:12, Platt Holden wrote:
    > Let's see. Unless I grossly misread what you say, you are mostly
    > against the U.S.
    > msh:
    > Not at all. I'm against any entity that projects its own power, for
    > its own purposes, at the expense of the freedom of others, using
    > "freedom" in the MOQish sense.
    > ph
    > against the U.N.
    > msh says:
    > Not really. I think the IDEA of a UN is a great one. And there are
    > times when the UN, even as it exists, can be used to emphasize any
    > nation's disregard for world opinion. This is useful. But as long
    > as any UNSC resolution can be vetoed by any one of only five nations,
    > well, just how much of a world organization is that?
    > ph:
    > against capitalism,
    > msh says:
    > More generally, against any economic system that says it's morally ok
    > for a few people to have billions while billions have nothing. I
    > mean, think of the teleology here: There's just not enough stuff for
    > more than one person to own everything.
    > ph:
    > against the media
    > msh says:
    > Not sure how I can be "against" the media.
    > ph:
    > and against establishing a democracy in Iraq such as was
    > accomplished in Germany and Japan following WW II.
    > msh says:
    > As I've argued elsewhere, the LAST thing the US policy makers want in
    > Iraq is a democracy, at least not in any meaningful sense of the
    > word. They don't even want it here, to the extent that it can be
    > said to exist. (This sounds familiar: Am I starting to quote
    > myself?)
    > ph:
    > In other words, what sort of government do you envision under the
    > rubric of Pirsig's highest moral value of "freedom."
    > msh says:
    > One of the great things about a non-teleological, DQ driven, morality
    > evolving metaphysics is that we don't have to envision an end, and
    > can't anyway. All we have to do is NOT IMPEDE the free flow and
    > interaction of ideas and maximize individual freedom for the greatest
    > number of people possible. Under these conditions, the morally
    > perfect society will be approached asymptotically. At least this is
    > my understanding of the MOQ.
    > Nevertheless, if you are really interested, I believe I can sketch
    > some of the characteristics of a more moral socio-economic system
    > than what we have now.
    > But I gotta take my intellectual self to work, or my biological self
    > is gonna be in trouble.
    > Later,
    > MarkH
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