Re: MD Coherence and A.I.

From: David Morey (
Date: Sat May 29 2004 - 13:41:16 BST

  • Next message: David Morey: "Re: MD MOQ and The Moral Evolution of Society."

    Hi Mark

    Makes sense to me. If you think about how humans use technology
    it is all about using timing & information to manipulate powerful SQ forces
    in specific
    directions, like making a dam across a river, or releasing energy
    from fuel.

    David M

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 12:20 AM
    Subject: MD Coherence and A.I.

    > Dear forum,
    > Artificial Intelligence is helping scientists understand how biological
    > evolution works. It is becoming more and more apparent that Biological
    evolution is
    > most Dynamic at a sweet spot or state of tension between chaos and order.
    > This state may be common in all patterned evolution?
    > If A.I. is going to develop, it appears it is going to do so at a coherent
    > state?
    > Christopher G. Langton is a leading MIT scientist working with A.I. I
    > Langton has contributed a paper to Artificial Life II: proceedings of the
    > workshop on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, Santa Fe,
    > Addison Wesley. 1992 (Christopher G. Langton, Charles E. Taylor, J. Doyne
    > Steen Rasmussen, editors) titled "Life at the Edge of Chaos." It may come
    > no surprise to those following coherence that Stuart A. Kauffman has also
    > contributed in collaborated with Sonke Johnson with "Co-Evolution to the
    Edge of
    > Chaos: Coupled Fitness Landscapes, Poised States, and Co-Evolutionary
    > ches."
    > The edge of chaos is an exciting point in evolution:
    > "Langton developed the Lambda (l) scale from 0 to 1 which represented the
    > degree of information retention and movement in a system. At the zero end
    of the
    > scale information is fixed or frozen. Further along it is periodic, moving
    > endlessly repeating cycles. At the opposite end (one) it is totally
    > Langton discovered a 'sweet spot' on this scale where complexity was at
    > highest and where living systems and artificial life thrived! He called
    this area
    > the 'edge of chaos.' It is located between the periodic and chaos areas.
    > is a place where information movement has the right balance of stability
    > flexibility. It is an abstract window or arena in the information
    universe, a
    > balance point where complex adaptive systems are at their best. When an
    > environment is tuned to the edge of chaos the most novel, interesting and
    > like behaviours emerge. Wolfram discovered the same concept studying
    > automata and divided the areas into four classes. Class 4 related to the
    > of chaos, at 0.273 on the Lambda scale." A New Reality p110
    > (My emphasis.)
    > When the MOQ used to enquire into what a sweet spot is, it may be said
    that a
    > sweet spot is exceptional tension between patterns of static Quality. The
    > term coherence seems well suited here to describe a point where Dynamic
    > drives evolution towards higher coherent states.
    > So, a sweet spot is coherence; it is exceptional tension between patterns
    > static Quality.
    > The Metaphysics of Quality provides a basis for evolution as a moral
    > activity.
    > Many years ago i suggested that A.I. may be involved in the next level of
    > moral evolution; level 5 in the MOQ? The reason i suggest this isn't so
    > because it is obvious! I suggest it because coherence demands it:
    > "Computer scientist Danny Hillis with the help of Biologist Eric Lander,
    > "developed an equation that quantified the boundary where the punctuated
    > equilibrium event occurred. The equation is one over e squared (e is a
    > established mathematical constant). When the level of the specific genes
    reached this
    > value, there would be a phase transition and the population would make a
    > dramatic leap to a higher level. If we think of civilisation as a whole as
    Ray's or
    > Hillis's population of a-life entities and we replace genes with memes and
    > enabling technologies, then surely we are close to some massive punctuated
    > equilibrium? Levy described how during periods of stability in Hillis's
    > lation, analysis revealed 'seething' activity of genes, which were
    establishing the
    > foundations for the next leap. The world today is characterised by
    > activity in philosophies, worldviews, religious and metaphysical ideas,
    > scientific breakthroughs in every field and technological advances from
    > stream to alternative." All these new ideas, paradigms, discoveries and
    inventions are
    > analogous to epistatic genes. "Instead of genetic changes building
    > towards the critical mass, (described by the one over e squared formula)
    > creating an evolutionary leap, we have memes and enabling technologies
    leading to
    > the same thing. In a sudden and spectacular leap of evolutionary change a
    > total change of our society our civilisation and environment could occur
    > to Hillis's and Ray's simulations where punctuated equilibrium emerged." A
    > New Reality p247
    > (My emphasis.)
    > I am not in a position to determine specific changes, but i feel MOQ
    > coherence suggests which ever way any new phase transition goes it should
    > SQ-SQ tension? There should be a Dynamic vehicle for continued evolution
    and a
    > static protecting sheath of old level patterns.
    > Intellect is level 4 in the MOQ. So, level 5 may strive to round off level
    > in a stable coherent state? Assuming we take a view of level 4 as art,
    then it
    > may be helpful to suggest that level 5 will use art its protecting base?
    > does not sound so bad to me. I rather feel Humans can lead a meaningful
    > relationship with a level of evolution which relies on creative Human
    expression as
    > its pool of life?
    > Yes, this is so much speculation. However, we create the future by
    > about it?
    > All the best,
    > Mark
    > P.S. I find Chris Banks' book, A new reality covers way too much ground
    > indulges in too much speculation. It reminded me of Ken Wilber's style!
    > Banks' quotes, like those of many of Wilber's, are from more important
    > sources.
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