MD Coherence and A.I.

Date: Fri May 28 2004 - 00:20:38 BST

  • Next message: Adam Watt: "Re: MD Deterring Democracy."

    Dear forum,
    Artificial Intelligence is helping scientists understand how biological
    evolution works. It is becoming more and more apparent that Biological evolution is
    most Dynamic at a sweet spot or state of tension between chaos and order.
    This state may be common in all patterned evolution?
    If A.I. is going to develop, it appears it is going to do so at a coherent

    Christopher G. Langton is a leading MIT scientist working with A.I. I notice
    Langton has contributed a paper to Artificial Life II: proceedings of the
    workshop on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, Santa Fe, 1990.
    Addison Wesley. 1992 (Christopher G. Langton, Charles E. Taylor, J. Doyne Farmer,
    Steen Rasmussen, editors) titled "Life at the Edge of Chaos." It may come as
    no surprise to those following coherence that Stuart A. Kauffman has also
    contributed in collaborated with Sonke Johnson with "Co-Evolution to the Edge of
    Chaos: Coupled Fitness Landscapes, Poised States, and Co-Evolutionary Avalan

    The edge of chaos is an exciting point in evolution:
    "Langton developed the Lambda (l) scale from 0 to 1 which represented the
    degree of information retention and movement in a system. At the zero end of the
    scale information is fixed or frozen. Further along it is periodic, moving in
    endlessly repeating cycles. At the opposite end (one) it is totally chaotic.
    Langton discovered a 'sweet spot' on this scale where complexity was at its
    highest and where living systems and artificial life thrived! He called this area
    the 'edge of chaos.' It is located between the periodic and chaos areas. It
    is a place where information movement has the right balance of stability and
    flexibility. It is an abstract window or arena in the information universe, a
    balance point where complex adaptive systems are at their best. When an a-life
    environment is tuned to the edge of chaos the most novel, interesting and life
    like behaviours emerge. Wolfram discovered the same concept studying cellular
    automata and divided the areas into four classes. Class 4 related to the edge
    of chaos, at 0.273 on the Lambda scale." A New Reality p110
    (My emphasis.)

    When the MOQ used to enquire into what a sweet spot is, it may be said that a
    sweet spot is exceptional tension between patterns of static Quality. The
    term coherence seems well suited here to describe a point where Dynamic Quality
    drives evolution towards higher coherent states.

    So, a sweet spot is coherence; it is exceptional tension between patterns of
    static Quality.
    The Metaphysics of Quality provides a basis for evolution as a moral
    Many years ago i suggested that A.I. may be involved in the next level of
    moral evolution; level 5 in the MOQ? The reason i suggest this isn't so much
    because it is obvious! I suggest it because coherence demands it:
    "Computer scientist Danny Hillis with the help of Biologist Eric Lander,
    "developed an equation that quantified the boundary where the punctuated
    equilibrium event occurred. The equation is one over e squared (e is a well,
    established mathematical constant). When the level of the specific genes reached this
    value, there would be a phase transition and the population would make a
    dramatic leap to a higher level. If we think of civilisation as a whole as Ray's or
    Hillis's population of a-life entities and we replace genes with memes and
    enabling technologies, then surely we are close to some massive punctuated
    equilibrium? Levy described how during periods of stability in Hillis's simu
    lation, analysis revealed 'seething' activity of genes, which were establishing the
    foundations for the next leap. The world today is characterised by 'seething'
    activity in philosophies, worldviews, religious and metaphysical ideas,
    scientific breakthroughs in every field and technological advances from main
    stream to alternative." All these new ideas, paradigms, discoveries and inventions are
    analogous to epistatic genes. "Instead of genetic changes building undetected
    towards the critical mass, (described by the one over e squared formula) and
    creating an evolutionary leap, we have memes and enabling technologies leading to
    the same thing. In a sudden and spectacular leap of evolutionary change a
    total change of our society our civilisation and environment could occur similar
    to Hillis's and Ray's simulations where punctuated equilibrium emerged." A
    New Reality p247
    (My emphasis.)

    I am not in a position to determine specific changes, but i feel MOQ
    coherence suggests which ever way any new phase transition goes it should involve
    SQ-SQ tension? There should be a Dynamic vehicle for continued evolution and a
    static protecting sheath of old level patterns.
    Intellect is level 4 in the MOQ. So, level 5 may strive to round off level 4
    in a stable coherent state? Assuming we take a view of level 4 as art, then it
    may be helpful to suggest that level 5 will use art its protecting base? That
    does not sound so bad to me. I rather feel Humans can lead a meaningful
    relationship with a level of evolution which relies on creative Human expression as
    its pool of life?

    Yes, this is so much speculation. However, we create the future by dreaming
    about it?

    All the best,

    P.S. I find Chris Banks' book, A new reality covers way too much ground and
    indulges in too much speculation. It reminded me of Ken Wilber's style! But
    Banks' quotes, like those of many of Wilber's, are from more important primary

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