Re: MD "biological" crime

From: Adam Watt (
Date: Thu Jun 03 2004 - 21:57:09 BST

  • Next message: MarshaV: "RE: MD Tinnitus"

    On Thursday, June 3, 2004, at 05:24 pm, Platt Holden wrote:

    > Hi Adam,
    >> ..when infact whenever you are confronted with a point you cannot
    >> answer, you simply ignore it.
    > Yes, I tend to ignore those whose main arguments are "you are a narrow
    > minded old man" and a "rambling fool." Thanks for proving my point
    > about
    > leftists resorting to personal attacks because they have nothing of
    > value
    > to offer.
    > Regards,
    > Platt
    Hello Platt,

    Well. it may seem a bit harsh, so sorry if your offended.. borne of
    frustration you might say.. but at least I got a response this time!
    Even if it still doesn't answer the question. Why is that? Also, hardly
    my main arguments were they? Or indeed, my arguments at all.. lets see
    again shall we? -

    >>> MSH asks:
    >>>> The question remains: Why is killing 3000 civilians in NYC an act
    >>>> of terror, while killing 10000 civilians in Iraq is not? Try to
    >>>> answer, without calling Rush Limbaugh please.

    A fair question, Platt does not respond. So...

    AW writes -

    >> Hello - It says.. TRY TO ANSWER PLEASE. You didn't. Again. Also,
    >> people are not germs, not in the MOQ, or anywhere bar perhaps rabid
    >> right-wing rhetoric...

    Still no response, above Platt claims he does not respond to posts he
    finds offensive (basically stated). No offense here that I can see,
    STILL not even an attempt at a coherent response, or any for that
    matter.. so.. -

    AW writes again (provoked slightly by Platts own description of anyone
    who enjoys the work of Chomsky as 'Chomsky worshippers'.. Pot calling
    kettle, etc.. anyway YET AGAIN, I attempt to get a response (perhaps
    you can see where the frustration is coming from?) -

    ..Infact, your looking quite incapable of a response, for the third
    time of asking.. Ironic that you mention 'weakness of arguments' in
    your previous
    post :

    Platt - 'But, be not intimidated, as I'm sure you're not. It's simply
    a sign of the
    weakness of their arguments.'

    ..when infact whenever you are confronted with a point you cannot
    answer, you simply ignore it. Pretty damn weak I'd say. As far as I can
    see your criticising someone you haven't even read, and therefore have
    absolutely NO IDEA what you are talking about. Which makes you a narrow
    minded old man whos opinions are about as credible as the WMD claims
    your beloved neo-conservative administration used to manipulate your
    populace in to justifying an otherwise untenable invasion.

    (please note: description cited originally by Platt "narrow minded old
    man' is provisional on the grounds of him making criticism of Chomsky
    without having read his work. Still no claim to having had read it has
    been made, so I provisionally I stand by it. Narrow minded this indeed
    is, perhaps the age reference was unnecessary, but still it's true. Its
    only offensive if you want it to be. And certainly it's not 'my main
    arguments'. What do you 'have to offer')

    Yourself, and Robert.M, so it seems. are content to make totally
    unfounded allegations against Chomsky.. I ask you AGAIN - what have you
    read of his? I suspect nothing. Correct me if I'm wrong. Either way, if
    you wish to refute anything he's said, you need to quote whatever that
    may be in context, and then state what you refutation is. Otherwise,
    sorry, but you just come across as a rambling fool.

    (note also : I said that you Platt comes across as a rambling fool in
    attacking work he apparently has not even read. And that is how I see
    it. If that is wrong I asked you to correct me. You declined to do so.
    So, I can only conclude that you have not read Chomsky, yet feel it
    worthwhile to criticise his work. That you haven't read. Would you
    really disagree that being critical of something your unaware of is
    stupid behaviour?..)

    You've avoided the above question, the 'critics' of Chomsky you cited
    were of no significance.. etc etc etc..

    AW adds - have (avoided the question), so I write this to clear up the
    apparent confusion of my intentions, and the nature of my argument. The
    nature is this - Criticising someones work indirectly, and seemingly
    without knowledge of it, is pointless. To correct you - THAT IS THE
    MAIN ARGUMENT. Again, you need to quote (in context please), and refute
    your chosen quotation, otherwise, these rabid posts amount to exactly
    what I said - rambling foolishness. So, I ask you in all politeness,
    please consider discontinuing with these sorry snipes at Chomskys work,
    or else approach your critique in the aforementioned manner. Better
    yet, consider reading his work before judging. And please consider
    explaining this...

    'Why is killing 3000 civilians in NYC an act of terror, while 10000 in
    iraq is not'

    I look forward to your reply.



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