Re: MD Patterns (and consciousness)

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Fri Jun 04 2004 - 15:48:43 BST

  • Next message: johnny moral: "Re: MD Patterns (and consciousness)"

    Hi All,

    In Lila, Pirsig spends considerable time talking about light. I think
    light suggests the radiance of Dynamic Quality, while reflections from
    that light represent patterns emanating from DQ. Patterns of special
    value reveal the primary radiance of DQ by their Beauty. As many
    scientists confirm, the more beautiful the pattern, the better.

    Those who are familiar with the beauty emanating from great paintings know
    the power of the artist' treatment of light and light's reflections, as in
    paintings by Vermeer, Valasquez and Monet--artists whose works often evoke
    a recognition of Spirit in a brief but overwhelming protoplasmic

    IMO, those who have never had such an experience, or who denigrate it as
    being of little significance, will never fully understand the MOQ.


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