Re: MD Patterns (and consciousness)

From: johnny moral (
Date: Fri Jun 04 2004 - 17:09:42 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Mussolini: Splendid chap."

    I don't know, Platt, I guess I've experienced enough beautiful dynamic
    quality in the pitch dark, that I don't fully understand the MoQ.

    You should read The Celestine Prophecy, you'd really like it. That was the
    book about plants eminating light and energy and so on, and how you could
    focus thought on a plant's energy and it would grow faster. Not a bad beach
    book, but not quite philosophy. Lila sometimes ventures into beach book
    territory, too. Therefore I don't think it is the definitive philosphical
    work on patterns or value or morality or metaphysics, or even quality.

    Pirsig does spend a lot of time talking about halos and words like
    "enlightened". But isn't that just a metaphor for being able to see? In
    the dark you can't see, you need light. And seeing helps you form
    expectations, it helps you survive. Surely people noticed this a long time
    ago and decided this light was a cool thing. And painters noticed that
    paintings that were entirely black not only didn't sell well, they used up
    all the black paint. Who knows what sort of protoplasmic reactions they

    Jonathan Edwards spent a lot of ink writing about beauty, as did our mutual
    friend Arthur Schopenhauer. So I don't denigrate beauty's hugely important
    role in patterns and being. But what you've written below seems entirely
    self-referential and redundant. Is it the beauty, or the "special value",
    or the "DQ", or the "primary radiance" that we are seeing? Which reveals

    I guess I don't care so much if I don't understand the MoQ through being
    knocked off my horse on the road to damascus, I just want to talk about
    Philosophy and ontology and morality.

    >From: "Platt Holden" <>
    >Subject: Re: MD Patterns (and consciousness)
    >Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2004 10:48:43 -0400
    >Hi All,
    >In Lila, Pirsig spends considerable time talking about light. I think
    >light suggests the radiance of Dynamic Quality, while reflections from
    >that light represent patterns emanating from DQ. Patterns of special
    >value reveal the primary radiance of DQ by their Beauty. As many
    >scientists confirm, the more beautiful the pattern, the better.
    >Those who are familiar with the beauty emanating from great paintings know
    >the power of the artist' treatment of light and light's reflections, as in
    >paintings by Vermeer, Valasquez and Monet--artists whose works often evoke
    >a recognition of Spirit in a brief but overwhelming protoplasmic
    >IMO, those who have never had such an experience, or who denigrate it as
    >being of little significance, will never fully understand the MOQ.
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