Re: MD Noam Chomsky

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sat Jun 05 2004 - 00:04:27 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD MOQ and The Moral Evolution of Society."

    Hi Johnny, and all,

    Just an addendum to my last post.

    On 4 Jun 2004 at 19:02, johnny moral wrote:

    So, it would seem that FROM WITHIN is the key to how you dismantled
    this argument (but I don't see any reference to the MoQ here, so
    maybe I didn't find the right post?).

    msh adds:
    I realized while out in traffic that I didn't directly address your
    fair question about my notion that societies should work on
    themselves, first, and how this is related to Pirsig's thinking.

    I believe this is present at the very core of ZMM: The motorcycle
    you work on is yourself. That is, unless your idea of motorcycle
    maintenance involves leaving yours on the workstand, going over to
    the neighbor's, busting down his door, bonking him on the head,
    raiding his fridge, changing his radio station, then tuning up his
    BMW for him.

    Thanks again. Sorry about double-dipping.

    Mark Heyman

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