MD a nihilist

From: MarshaV (
Date: Sat Jun 05 2004 - 11:19:48 BST

  • Next message: Pete Bridge: "RE: MD Tinnitus"

    Greetings all,

    I came to this website because I thought that if anyone might have a better strategy, MOQ might be working on one.   If philosophy is suppose to have value, it should be able to search for new perspectives.  This list's interaction is caught in a pattern of nonsensical bickering. 

    I love Noam Chomsky, but his being right doesn't make every other view wrong.  His is a frightening truth.  But there are opposing truths that are equally as frightening, too.  Unfortunately, the old truths need some maintenance. 

    And, greed isn't the only vice. 

    What's needed is a new view, with lots of new perspectives, new patterns.  Right/wrong and good/evil do not seem to be helpful at this point in the journey. 

    Do any of you have children, or grandchildren, or hope to? 

    What's going on here?


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