Re: MD Ronald Reagan

From: Dan Glover (
Date: Mon Jun 07 2004 - 20:42:55 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Polls and morality"

    Hello everyone

    >From: "David Morey" <>
    >To: <>
    >Subject: Re: MD Ronald Reagan
    >Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2004 17:32:25 +0100
    >have you also given consideration to the forced
    >inequality of distribution. I mean, I can't remember
    >the last time we sat down at work and decided how
    >to distribute the profits. Should the distribution not be based
    >on values and intellect?

    The Emperor of China once thought to hold a contest to discover who was the
    most intelligent among his countrymen. He ordered a thousand of his best
    cattle rounded up and proclaimed the cattle would be given away to he who
    was most wise. On the announced day many contestants showed up at the palace
    to vie for the cattle -- monks and men of great learning. The Emperor stood
    before the crowd and announced: The smartest man among you may come forward
    now and claim these cattle. Everyone stood looking at each other, uncertain
    what to do next. Everyone that is except for Mao-Jung. He ordered his
    attendants to round up the cattle. Suddenly there was an huge uproar of
    protests. How dare this man come forward and just take the prize! Mao-Jung
    said: I may not be the smartest man here, but I want those cows!

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