Re: MD Ronald Reagan

From: Adam Watt (
Date: Wed Jun 09 2004 - 00:02:20 BST

  • Next message: Adam Watt: "Fwd: MD "biological" crime"

    > Adam, boy, relax. I need you healthy, for on the seas of this frothy
    > forum, there be dragons!

    :) lol, You're quite right.. When I read the first 100 or so pages for
    Lilas Child, I would have actually agreed with Pirsigs description of
    Platt. His posts there were refreshing and accurate. That this is the
    same guy I see here talking such utter nonsense near defies belief..
    Anyway, I shall refrain from further attacks, despite the fact whenever
    he's asked a sensible question he avoids it. Or comes back with some
    irrational far-right nonsense. Oh well, he is amusing. Tommorow I will
    actually have some time to write a few proper posts, which I'm looking
    forward too. With regard to Horses post on the Soviet Unions demise,
    It's excellent. My Dad was a trade union official, and met Walesa in
    Poland on a couple of occasions.. he, as I do, held the man in the
    highest regard, so this paragraph in particular was a pleasure to see..

    "So bury the tribal elders (Reagan, Thatcher et. al.) with all the
    Social level ceremony
    they deserve then forget them, 'cause if you're looking for a couple of
    true Brujo's then
    look no further than Walesa and Gorbachev. These two brought about the
    sort of
    change within their (and our) societies unseen for many years."

    Spot on. Also wanted to say it's good to see you on here Vito, great
    posts too. More from me soon!

    Regards to you all,


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