MD (ayurvedic) diet and lifestyle poll

From: gav (
Date: Thu Jun 17 2004 - 10:28:49 BST

  • Next message: Joe: "Re: MD Coherence and A.I."

    is sanskrit for the 'path of equilibrium and essence'.

    it is a way of life that is balanced. work is balanced
    with rest; study/thought is balanced with
    awareness/spiritual practice (eg yoga/meditation/tai
    chi/bushwalking/gardening/some sports...).
    fundamental to sattvic lifestyle is diet; a
    lacto-vegetarian diet of absolute quality freshness
    and life-force (qi/prana). this means organic, local
    and generally unprocessed foods. without such a diet
    the clear focussed mind of the sattvic individual is
    very difficult to attain.

    tamas is an unbalanced lifestyle. it is a lifestyle of
    stagnation and degeneration. slothful sedentary people
    are 'tamas'. self-obsession, stagnant desires,
    cravings and emotional turbulence are also hallmarks.
    the tamas personality prefers to be entertained than
    to entertain oneself or others. relationship and
    finance troubles are common as are nervous disorders.
    degenerative disease is the inevitable destination of
    the chronic tamas.
    processed, rich tasting and overly sweet, fatty or
    salty foods predominate in the tamas diet, as do

    action and aggression are the bywords of the rajas
    lifestyle. sensual stimulation is the goal of the
    rajas personality, in diet and all areas of life. a
    rajas lifestyle benefits the politician, warrior,
    businessman and some elite athletes.
    the rajasic diet contains all the ingredients of the
    sattvic diet and therefore must be fresh and of high
    quality. more spice, longer cooking and more protein
    (in the form of legumes and wild game) are eaten
    compared to the sattvic diet. many american colonists
    and nth american indians had rajas diets, contributing
    to their strength and clear simple values.
    nutritional science now understands that the amino
    acid tyrosine which is abundantly supplied in a
    protein rich diet produces dopamine in the brain which
    stimulates agressive activity.

    in summary:
    the sattvic personality is calm, happy and helpful.
    the dalai lama may be a good example

    the tamas personality is lazy, confused and
    self-absorbed. i think we all know more than one of

    the rajas personality is competitive but more balanced
    than the tamas. power, prosperity and prestige are
    desirable for the rajas but not obsessively so, as
    with the tamas. the rajas are the 'success stories' of
    our time.

    which of these three categories would you classify
    yourself closest to?

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