Re: MD Noam Chomsky

From: gav (
Date: Sun Jun 20 2004 - 10:13:11 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD quality religion (art)"

    hey all,
    see comments below:

    --- Mark Steven Heyman
    <> wrote: > Hi all,
    > Someone in the forum has commented recently that
    > corporations are
    > "dynamic" and therefore of the highest quality. I'm
    > afraid I don't
    > quite see this, unless what we mean by DQ is
    > profit-maximization, no
    > matter what the social costs.
    > Anyway, here's a recent email reply to a question
    > about the choice
    > between private corporations and state ownership.

    and what about NEITHER.
    the 'left-right' model of politics is redundant. as i
    said in 'student life and other contradictions': those
    who still favour 'left' or 'right' are missing the
    'ownership', whether private or state, implicitly
    assumes a separation between what is owned and who
    owns it, BETWEEN SUBJECT AND OBJECT. they are both

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