Re: MD Horror

From: Joe (
Date: Tue Jun 22 2004 - 18:33:57 BST

  • Next message: "MD Re: Horror and ever Rising Gas Prices?"

    On 22 June 2004 5:11 AM despairing gav writes:

    all this occurs against a backdrop of general violence
    and murder of civilians in iraq: men, women and
    children. some US soldiers have deserted and refuse to
    kill anymore but they are treated as pariahs. one
    deserter was sentenced to a year in jail recently.

    okay so where from here? what can we do, individually? renounce our
    nationality? is that a tactic worth considering? how
    the hell do we stop the escalation of violence from
    reaching 'revelations' proportions? it seems to me that only INDIVIDUAL
    action can change our course. can we redeem ourselves and our societies?
    how? any ideas (eg thoreau's refusal to pay tax to fund the war on mexico)

    Hi gav and all,

    joe: i was drafted into the army at the end of the Korean war. Out of the
    service I was unsuccessful in becoming a Dominican monk after 4 years
    trying. St Augustine, influenced by Plotinus, wrote in his Confessions:
    "Love God and do what you want!" A mystical approach to action!

    In Pirsig I find a mystical approach to DQ. Individual action certainly.
    The Passion of the Christ shows one person's action to redeem himself and
    our society. Maybe His action didn't take, and a repeat performance is
    necessary. Roger La Porte immolated himself in New York. Maybe that didn't
    take either. Or maybe the mystical approach will change science, and our
    political structure.

    Recently, I voted not to recall Gray Davis, the Governor of CA. My vote
    didn't count. The vote is not the best way to transfer authority.
    Sometimes the best man doesn't win.

    The best man is an individual. How do we recognize him? The East has a
    different approach than the West as to how to choose the best man. The
    torture of Iraqi detainees will try to destroy the best man, so we can teach
    them how to vote. It seems kind of ridiculous. Objective-subjective
    science is also ridiculous. Don't give up! Art helps.

    Joe Maurer

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