From: gav (
Date: Tue Jun 22 2004 - 23:18:48 BST
thanks for your reply joe,
art helps indeed.
unfortunately kitsch does the opposite
and we have a lot more kitsch than art, especially in
but that's a whole new thread
--- Joe <> wrote: > On 22 June 2004
5:11 AM despairing gav writes:
> gav:
> all this occurs against a backdrop of general
> violence
> and murder of civilians in iraq: men, women and
> children. some US soldiers have deserted and refuse
> to
> kill anymore but they are treated as pariahs. one
> deserter was sentenced to a year in jail recently.
> okay so where from here? what can we do,
> individually? renounce our
> nationality? is that a tactic worth considering? how
> the hell do we stop the escalation of violence from
> reaching 'revelations' proportions? it seems to me
> that only INDIVIDUAL
> action can change our course. can we redeem
> ourselves and our societies?
> how? any ideas (eg thoreau's refusal to pay tax to
> fund the war on mexico)
> Hi gav and all,
> joe: i was drafted into the army at the end of the
> Korean war. Out of the
> service I was unsuccessful in becoming a Dominican
> monk after 4 years
> trying. St Augustine, influenced by Plotinus, wrote
> in his Confessions:
> "Love God and do what you want!" A mystical
> approach to action!
> In Pirsig I find a mystical approach to DQ.
> Individual action certainly.
> The Passion of the Christ shows one person's action
> to redeem himself and
> our society. Maybe His action didn't take, and a
> repeat performance is
> necessary. Roger La Porte immolated himself in New
> York. Maybe that didn't
> take either. Or maybe the mystical approach will
> change science, and our
> political structure.
> Recently, I voted not to recall Gray Davis, the
> Governor of CA. My vote
> didn't count. The vote is not the best way to
> transfer authority.
> Sometimes the best man doesn't win.
> The best man is an individual. How do we recognize
> him? The East has a
> different approach than the West as to how to choose
> the best man. The
> torture of Iraqi detainees will try to destroy the
> best man, so we can teach
> them how to vote. It seems kind of ridiculous.
> Objective-subjective
> science is also ridiculous. Don't give up! Art
> helps.
> Joe Maurer
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