Re: MD should racism be banned from the forum?

From: Joe (
Date: Wed Jun 23 2004 - 22:09:53 BST

  • Next message: David Morey: "Re: MD no more isms, any otheer way forward"

    On 23 June 2004 9:31 AM Paul writes:

    Hello All,

    joe: i like the word 'degenerate mystical' for SQ. I become wholly
    involved, and smell, sight, taste, hearing know the quality of 'degenerate'.
    I love the speech of Ten Bears:

    "There are things which you have said to me which I do not like. They were
    not sweet like sugar, but bitter like gourds. You said that you wanted to
    put us upon a reservation, to build houses and to make us Medicine lodges.
    I do not want them.

    "I was born on the prairie, where the wind blew free, and there was nothing
    to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures,
    and where everything drew a free breatlh. I want to die there and not
    within walls. I know every stream and every wood between the Rio Grande and
    the Arkansas. I have hunted and lived over in that country. I lived like
    my fathers before me, and like them I lived lhappily.

    "When I was in Washington, the Great Father told me that all the Comanche
    land was ours, and that no one should hinder us in living upon it. So why
    do you ask us to leave the rivers, and the sun, and the wind, and live in
    houses? Do not ask us to give up the buffalo for the sheep. The young men
    have heard talk of this and it has made them sad and angry. Do not speak of
    it any more. I love to carry out the talk I get from the Great Father.
    When I get goods and presents, I and my people feel glad since it shows that
    he holds us in his eye. If the Texans had kept out of my country, there
    might have been peace. But that which you say we must live on is too small.

    "The Texans have taken away the places where the grass grew the thickest and
    the timber was the best. Had we kept that, we might have done this thing
    you ask. But it is too late. The white man has the country which we loved
    and we only wish to wander on the prairie until we die. Any good thing you
    say to me shall not be forgotten. I shall carry it as near to my heart as
    my children and it shall be as often on my tongue as the name of the Great
    Spirit. I want no blood upon my land to stain the grass. I want it all
    clear and pure, and I wish it so, that all who go though among my people may
    find peace when they come in, and lleave it when they go out." Lila Chapter

    Joe Maurer

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