Re: MD The Final Cut

From: Richard Loggins (
Date: Thu Jun 24 2004 - 14:59:36 BST

  • Next message: Paul Vogel: "Re: MD Maybe biology and religion can explain Mark's Opposition and links?"

    Hello Horse,
    I will try to keep this short but as you anticipated,
    I was pretty well anoyed by your post.

    Your, "as for the rest of you, what were you thinking"
    - I should explain that there are three approaches to
    a guy like Paul V, 1)ignore him which is a tacit
    condoning of his views, 2)argue with him in a
    reasoned, respectful manner which gives the impression
    that his views are equally respectable or legitamite,
    or 3)denounce him and his ideas by calling him names
    like bigot. I chose the last route because if there
    ever was an appropriate time for ad hominem attacks,
    this is it. (And by the way, if you hadn't noticed,
    this kind of MOQ evil happens ALL THE TIME on this
    forum, not just the posts swirling around Vogel.)

    Your tough guy zero-tolerance proclimation against
    racism on the list is almost shocking considering
    you've let some of the most overt racism I've ever
    witnessed go on, unconstrained, for the better part of
    a week. What were you thinking? Did it take the
    resignation of someone from your Steering Committee to
    snap you out of it? Wake up and smell the coffee,
    buddy, your laissez-faire approach punctuated by fits
    of iron-fisted 'i don't give a shit what you think of
    me, here's the rules' are not working. The list has
    been spiraling into low-quality degeneracy for quite
    some time now, and you need to do something
    (constructive) about it.

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