From: Horse (
Date: Sun Jun 27 2004 - 00:11:31 BST
Hi Richard
On 25 Jun 2004 at 10:52, Richard Loggins wrote:
> Thanks Horse, that last post was great. Your points
> are all well taken and you've answered all my
> concerns. Good luck trying to get the list back to
> high quality. My general advice to you would be to be
> more active in your role as moderator. If folks see
> that you are attentive and on top of things, they will
> probably be more apt to behave themselves.
> Rich
I'm glad that my post answered your concerns.
I think your advice about being more active is well-placed as I have tended towards
letting the list be pretty much self-regulating in the past.
For the most part this has worked reasonably well but there have been many
unnecessary and abusive dialogues. So my message to all members would be to
consider what you are typing and why. Does it make sense to insult another member
when trying to make a point or does this achieve no more than to irritate and aggravate.
If the latter then what are you getting out of it and what value does it bring to the forum
as a whole.
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