From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Jun 27 2004 - 03:05:41 BST
Horse asked:
Considering Vogels posts and his alliance with cosmotheism I think it is
reasonable to label him as a racist.
Considering that racism is prejudice and/or bigotry based on skin colour
could you point out any instances where this applies to Platt.
dmb replies:
Sure. And if I hadn't just cleaned out my e-mail box, I'd provide snippets,
quotes and such. In any case, the two examples that leap to mind would be
Platt's advocacy of E.O. Wilson, who has been accused by many of his critics
and who in fact "sponsored" Rushton for publication in an article. There is
his advocacy of the Bell Curve. The connections between that book and
Vogel's friends down at the Pioneer fund have already been well detailed by
Mark Heyman. Less recently he's pushed Charles Murray's other book, "Human
Accomplishment", which also tries to show the innate superiority of white
culture. In fact the very research method used for that book, historiometry,
was first brought in vogue by a 19th century eugenicist.
And that's just the Plattisms I can recall off the top of my head. No, I'm
not just hurling insults. I'm trying to expose bogus views as such. If I
seem a little too eager to attack Platt's racist mentors its only because
the "ideas" they espouse are so very dangerous. At the risk of seeming to be
overly dramatic, I'd like to remind you that millions have been murdered
over these kinds of racist views - and it's very likely that some more will
be murdered today.
Thanks for the chance to say that.
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