RE: MD Should racism be banned from the forum?

From: Horse (
Date: Mon Jun 28 2004 - 01:05:47 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: [Spam] RE: MD immoral irony?????"

    Hi Platt

    I'm glad to see you're coming around to Chomsky's way of thinking :)

    I don't think that DMB is saying I should censor dangerous ideas - just the opposite in
    fact given his other posts. My point here though is that discussions about a subject
    should be related to the MoQ so while I support free speech and freedom of expression
    in general, if it isn't related to the MoQ then it has no place on an MoQ oriented forum. I
    don't want to censor anything that's related to the MoQ - dangerous or otherwise.
    All members should feel free to discuss anything relevant to the MoQ in a reasoned and
    non-abusive fashion. And that's what I want to emphasize.

    Folks, I don't want anyone to feel that they should watch what they say or try not to
    offend others in any way because I realize this isn't going to happen. This is philosophy
    for gawd's sake and lives are at risk :)
    All I'm asking for is a little tolerance and patience because without these it's just going to
    be a gigantic slanging match which, in the end, will achieve nothing of value.



    On 27 Jun 2004 at 8:27, Platt Holden wrote:

    > Hi All:
    > > Horse asked:
    > > Considering Vogels posts and his alliance with cosmotheism I think it is
    > > quite reasonable to label him as a racist. Considering that racism is
    > > prejudice and/or bigotry based on skin colour could you point out any
    > > instances where this applies to Platt.
    > >
    > > dmb replies:
    > > Sure. And if I hadn't just cleaned out my e-mail box, I'd provide snippets,
    > > quotes and such. In any case, the two examples that leap to mind would be
    > > Platt's advocacy of E.O. Wilson, who has been accused by many of his
    > > critics and who in fact "sponsored" Rushton for publication in an article.
    > > There is his advocacy of the Bell Curve. The connections between that book
    > > and Vogel's friends down at the Pioneer fund have already been well
    > > detailed by Mark Heyman. Less recently he's pushed Charles Murray's other
    > > book, "Human Accomplishment", which also tries to show the innate
    > > superiority of white culture. In fact the very research method used for
    > > that book, historiometry, was first brought in vogue by a 19th century
    > > eugenicist.
    > >
    > > And that's just the Plattisms I can recall off the top of my head. No, I'm
    > > not just hurling insults. I'm trying to expose bogus views as such. If I
    > > seem a little too eager to attack Platt's racist mentors its only because
    > > the "ideas" they espouse are so very dangerous. At the risk of seeming to
    > > be overly dramatic, I'd like to remind you that millions have been murdered
    > > over these kinds of racist views - and it's very likely that some more will
    > > be murdered today.
    > Is DMB suggesting that Horse censor "dangerous ideas" from this site?
    > Perhaps a few cautions are in order:
    > "Censorship always protects and perpetuates every horror of the prevailing
    > forms of oppression. With us, its subtle disguises increase its evils by
    > creating delusions of safety, liberty and democracy. It precludes that
    > intelligence which is necessary to hasten wholesome and natural social
    > evolution." -- Theodore Schroeder
    > "Thus if the First Amendment means anything in this field, it must allow
    > protests even against the moral code that the standard of the day sets for
    > the community. In other words, literature should not be suppressed merely
    > because it offends the moral code of the censor." -- William O. Douglas
    > "If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we
    > don't believe in it at all." -- Noam Chomsky
    > Best,
    > Platt
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