Re: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sun Jul 11 2004 - 00:05:45 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise"

    Hi David, all,

    Yep. So if your business goal is profit-maximization, no matter what,
    you have a powerful incentive to produce LOW quality goods,
    especially in a pseudo--competitive environment. Furthermore, you
    will have an insatiable and insane desire to expand your resources
    and markets to the ends of the earth, and beyond, using whatever
    means are available, including military invasion and mass murder.
    Sound familiar?

    Best to all,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

    On 10 Jul 2004 at 21:06, David Morey wrote:

    Hi all

    I would like to add that Capitalism leads
    to sustained low quality. If you could make
    a light bulb that never burnt out you would
    put yourself out of business, but such a bulb
    would be very high quality. Same with any
    quality goods that you would not be inclined to replace

    David M

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