RE: MD Maxwell's "Coherence" and the MOQ

From: Chuck Roghair (
Date: Mon Jul 12 2004 - 23:31:38 BST

  • Next message: David Morey: "MD Re: Love and hate in the MOQ"

    Man is the sum of his experience.

    David, given the above, would it be fair to equate:


    Hitting the perfect tennis shot, that individual moment of ball meeting
    racquet, that's a glimpse of unmolested experience which is of highest
    quality. Unfettered, pure experience--human beings temporarily flawless and
    apparently on auto-pilot--musicians and athletes taste it, as do
    artists--painters dip their brushes and writers their pens--when the notes
    or flow of the game or brilliant brushstroke or lyrical unique descriptive
    turn-of-a-phrase is just waiting there when and where the Artist expects it
    to be, appearing as if from another dimension. It is achieved through
    seemingly infinite study and repitition, a.k.a meditation, whatver the
    medium; here is a glimpse at what is possible--the pinnacle of human
    existence. The trick is sustaining it and applying it to everything.

    Seems that way to me.

    Best regards,


    -----Original Message-----
    From: [] []
    On Behalf Of David Morey
    Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 10:40 AM
    Subject: Re: MD Maxwell's "Coherence" and the MOQ

    Hi Anthony

    This loss of self-awareness is important stuff.
    Somehow we can become absorbed into the world
    we are experiencing. This seems to me to be about
    getting outside of SOM. Let's remember
    that quality=experience=reality. So here we are
    experiencing the world. If we do not draw any lines
    between subject and object where can we say
    consciousness is located? In the brain? This would
    be an SOM mistake. When we hit the perfect tennis shot
    we are completely at one with the elements of the world.
    We know what the ball will do as soon as we hit it.
    Or we see the football tackle coming and we perfectly
    step out of the way. Carl Jung spoke of enjoying a beautiful
    view so much that he felt he was absorbed into the landscape.
    And when we simply 'see' we do not think of the view as being in our
    heads, the world is 'simply there', so that we are experiencing the world
    not in our heads but in the world, 'out there'. As I said
    So experience is therefore a coming together into a
    of at least Man and World but most often Man/Language/Being as Heidegger
    describes it. Experience is only possible when there is a world to
    What is a person? What is it to be a person? It is not to be a body, rather
    it is to be the experience of 'knowing a world'. If you had a body and no
    world you would be nothing like the reality that we call a human being.
    Getting any Heidegger read Anthony, you should?

    David M

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