Re: MD Re: Love and hate in the MOQ

From: ml (
Date: Fri Jul 23 2004 - 19:18:41 BST

  • Next message: "MD Coherence and sailing."

    Be careful...Michael Moore is just like O'Rielly, Limbaugh, or Franken.
    He is a creature of the post-Arledge media. It's not about TRUTH, it
    is about the BENJAMINS, the bucks...Just assemble a collection of
    true facts, or mostly true facts, assign connections of fiction and
    plausability to create a skein of meaning to outrage and people
    will pay you money. Don't be a dupe of the manufactured truth
    or the programming of those who want to control you.

    Think for yourself... all politicians are all deserving, all the time,
    of all our devotion and all our money...oops, there's some of that
    programing slipping through after seeing the truth and swallowing.


      ----- Original Message -----
      Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 3:10 PM
      Subject: Fwd: MD Re: Love and hate in the MOQ

      If that's a reference to Bush, there's a movie that I highly reccomend for all to see. "Farenheit 911". I recently saw it and was shocked at the revolting, conspiratorial things I learned.


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