Re: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise

From: David Morey (
Date: Tue Jul 27 2004 - 20:02:00 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD the metaphysics of freedom"

    Hi Paul

    Exclusively yes, do you think a fish knows
    that the world exists?

    The gap/clearing where intellectual ideas emerge
    is a bit of paper or a computer screen,
    but think what the context of that emergence
    consists of -as a totality. Via the levels inorganic,
    organic, social, intellectual we have introduced
    into being the individual, the individual is a space
    from which DQ can emerge at a new level -the intellectual
    level. A human being is not just SQ. A human being is full
    of potential (i.e. open to DQ). The emergence of DQ and
    its becoming SQ takes place when a human being makes
    1 of its possibilities actual and thereby negating many other
    possibilities. Like chosing one lover and rejecting the others.
    In fact each morning you choose to stay with the same lover.
    Is this not how SQ builds up. SQ is the point where you just
    do it and cease seeing that you have a choice. Every morning
    we get up and keep the SQ of society and culture going but
    the DQ reality of possibility is that we could choose not to.
    Any nearer any sense? The biography on Heidegger Between
    Good and Evil is very good by the way.

    David M

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Paul Turner" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 9:54 AM
    Subject: RE: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise

    > Hi David
    > David said:
    > The world-individual dualism appears on 4th level together and
    > inseperably.
    > Paul:
    > And exclusively? Does an individual biological organism not experience
    > the world? Is a society not defined by the relationships between
    > different individual people?
    > David said:
    > In the context of this duality the gap/clearing emerges into which
    > pours/becomes intellectual creations moving from DQ to SQ.
    > Paul:
    > Can this "gap/clearing" be readily experienced? What does it feel like?
    > David said:
    > The intellectual patterns are characterised in the space between
    > language/individual/world.
    > Make any sense.
    > Paul:
    > Not really. Heidegger?
    > Cheers
    > Paul
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